Finding Peace Anxiety has become epidemic. Many of us are frazzled by family problems, stress at work, financial woes, and a thousand other hassles. If you are chronically troubled by fatigue, edginess, a churning stomach, heart pains, trembling and shaking, dizziness, and/or migraine headaches, you are not alone. Like millions of other people, you may […]
Dealing With Depression Booklet
Dealing with Depression Depression affects people from all ages, races, economic groups and genders. It can result from a specific event or a chemical imbalance in the nervous system. The causes are numerous; however, depression should be dealt with effectively so that it can be managed. This booklet explores some of the many causes of […]
Comebacks Booklet
Comebacks For those of us who have blown it or would like a ‘re-do,’ comebacks are high on the agenda. There’s no shortage of things in this world that can ‘rock our boat’ or ‘upset our applecart.’ Natural disasters, human crazies, financial perils, messed-up childhoods—any or all of these can put us down—and keep us […]
Battles With The Bottle Booklet
Battles With The Bottle You never planned for the battles alcohol introduced into your life. But you can experience victory over them – the victory called recovery. Within these pages, you will be introduced to the source of strength and love that will lead you to the peace you crave. Please enter your name and […]
The Plumber
The Plumber Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seemed to go right? Where you wish you could just start the day over again and make different choices? Listen to Richard Fox as he tells his story of trying to fix a leaky tap with disastrous consequences and a disappointed family – […]
A Farmer’s Life
A Farmer’s Life Many farmers around Australia are experiencing a tough time because of drought. Even with all the best risk management and forward planning, we still can’t control the weather. You may not be a farmer but we all have things we can’t control. Losing a job, poor health, a death in the family. […]
Love Feeling loved is one of the best feelings in the world and can make you feel like you’re walking on air. Valentine’s Day with all its focus on love and romance can make you look at your own relationships…Are romance and love the same thing? Does it change when you have a long established […]
Renew The Romance Booklet
Renew the Romance in Your Marriage Do you feel like you’ve traded in romance for the irritation of everyday conflict, a tense feeling at home, and a spouse who doesn’t seem to care about what you need or want? You can renew the romance! Learn to focus on your relationship, the ‘WE’ when problems arise. […]
I Do
Almost 50% of marriages end in divorce in Australia. How do you avoid becoming one of these statistics? How do we nurture our relationships so that they last? Keeping romance alive in a relationship can have its challenges. Listen to Adrian Kitson share his own experiences on trying to keep a relationship alive and fulfilling.
Australia Day – what makes a community?
All around Australia a lot of communities have special events to celebrate Australia Day. It’s is a great time to reflect on who we are, where we’ve come from, and what it means to live as a community of people from a wide range of backgrounds and interests. Listen as Richard and Celia talk about what makes a community strong, especially in tough times.