“When we talk about the ’not enoughs’ – I’m not pretty enough, not rich enough, not, present enough with my kids, the root cause of the ‘not enoughs’ says shame. I’m afraid to go there. I don’t want to be known that I’m not enough. So, I just, kind of block it and try and bury it as much as you can.” No-one is immune from shame. Listen as Anna, a counsellor, talks about what shame really is and what we can do about it.
Who Am I?
What do teenagers really think about their place in a world of confusion and challenges? Listen as Emma chats with some teenagers about identity, and how faith shapes who they are.
Grief: Where Sadness and Hope Meet
Grief: Where Sadness and Hope Meet ‘In all the ways we deal with grief, in all the advice and encouragement we dispense about getting on with life past the loss of a person dear to us – in all these attempts at consolation – we must honour our internal pain. It stands as the natural […]
Out of the Cyclone
Out of the Cyclone “I like to describe depression as a vortex, like a cyclone or a tornado or something like that. You’ve sort of got control while you’re at the end of it. But as you start cycling into that tornado, you start losing control. Sometimes you just felt like, is this going to […]
Send Me An Angel
It would be great if managing depression was purely logical, but depression can be really difficult to manage. For the person struggling with it, and the loved ones who care for them, depression can challenge and test us. But there is hope. Listen to Jane’s story of depression and how she finds hope to live through it.
Reconciling Relationship Conflict
What can you do when it seems your relationship is over? Is there any hope of reconciliation? Listen as Paul Kerber, who has worked in reconciliation, shares his experience with reconciling relationships and finding hope in seemingly hopeless situations.
Connecting our cultures
Connecting our cultures “We do things when we’re in communities… because we do them to remind ourselves of our own culture and where we come from. We’ve all got different backgrounds and we’ve got to respect that and appreciate that. But at the same time, we’ve got to get on and we’ve got to work […]
Support in financial hard times
Listen as Jan, a financial counsellor, shares her experience supporting people going through financial crisis.
There’s no one face of poverty
Asking for help is a sign of strength. It shows that you recognise that there’s a better option for you and that your community is there to help you. Listen as Kelly, a financial counsellor and financial well-being operations manager for a leading community care organisation, shares insights on the reality of a real crisis affecting everyday Australians and how to seek help.
Standing Together With Depression
In recent years it seems like depression, and mental health is on the rise. And we’re particularly seeing it more in our children – but how do we know when it’s depression or normal teenage angst. Listen as Vicki Rochow, a counsellor and a mum who has walked alongside her kid’s depression as well as her own, shares her story.