What can you do when it seems your relationship is over? Is there any hope of reconciliation? Listen as Paul Kerber, who has worked in reconciliation, shares his experience with reconciling relationships and finding hope in seemingly hopeless situations.
Connecting our cultures
Connecting our cultures “We do things when we’re in communities… because we do them to remind ourselves of our own culture and where we come from. We’ve all got different backgrounds and we’ve got to respect that and appreciate that. But at the same time, we’ve got to get on and we’ve got to work […]
Support in financial hard times
Listen as Jan, a financial counsellor, shares her experience supporting people going through financial crisis.
There’s no one face of poverty
Asking for help is a sign of strength. It shows that you recognise that there’s a better option for you and that your community is there to help you. Listen as Kelly, a financial counsellor and financial well-being operations manager for a leading community care organisation, shares insights on the reality of a real crisis affecting everyday Australians and how to seek help.
Standing Together With Depression
In recent years it seems like depression, and mental health is on the rise. And we’re particularly seeing it more in our children – but how do we know when it’s depression or normal teenage angst. Listen as Vicki Rochow, a counsellor and a mum who has walked alongside her kid’s depression as well as her own, shares her story.
Waiting On God
Waiting on God Are there times when you’ve felt down and despondent, when you were desperate for encouragement? This week on Messages of hope Robyn shares how she’s coped with life’s ups and downs, especially when dealing with a son with a drug addiction. Listen to the program http://www.messagesofhope.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Waiting-on-God-Podcast.mp3 Read the script Download the booklet
Finding hope in miscarriage
Listen as Meagan and Nick bravely share about their experience of pain and grief, but also how they found support and hope through it all.
One Foot in Heaven, One Foot on Earth
It's a phone call every parent dreads and a situation that no parent should have to go through. How do you navigate your way through the unthinkable? Listen as Annette takes us on her journey through the darkest of times.
When a Neighbour Comes Knocking Booklet
When a Neighbour Comes Knocking Helping people who seek crisis assistance through the church. Please enter your name and email address below to download the booklet. Name First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHA Δ
If I were a mum
Mothers play such an important role in the world, and in most of our lives. Whether we see them often, or not at all, they shape a lot of who we grow up to be. Listen as we chat to people from all walks of life about what they love about their Mum.