Chris’s daughter, Rachel, was diagnosed at age three with a rare genetic disorder. After battling against doctors who didn’t believe her and even accused her of mistreating her daughter, Chris developed a fierce determination to trust her own instinct when it came to knowing what was best for Rachel. Listen to Chris as she shares how, as Rachel’s parents, they continue to experience life and joy through Rachel’s eyes.
Mums, You don’t have to be perfect
As mothers, we often feel like we’re not doing a very good job, and that everyone else seems to have it all under control. Listen to Celia chat with Ali Hoopmann, mother of 3, about the highs and lows of being a mum. How do we get through when we just feel like we’re not doing anything well?
Parenting – Coping with Unexpected Challenges
Katrina faced her biggest fear at the birth of her second child when she was 23. Listen as Katrina shares how she coped with challenges she didn’t understand. Find out what gave her strength and peace in raising a child with severe disabilities.
Surviving School at Home
“I was at home with four children, homeschooling, a job I have never desired before. Suddenly I was faced with mum I need help, mum I'm hungry, mum I need this, mum I need that, and I'd be standing at the door going
enough already this is too hard.”
Finding ourselves in situations that are not of our choosing can be very stressful and overwhelming. Listen as Jo shares her struggles of home schooling during lockdown. How do you survive the extra challenges thrown at you without feeling like a failure?
Uncertain Financial Future
COVID has really shaken things up over the last year. We’ve lost jobs or we are on less income and the future is still uncertain for many people. So, what do you do when you don’t know what the future holds? Listen to Karl’s inspiring story of facing some of the biggest challenges of his life and how he found a way forward.
Single But Not Lonely
Almost 40, with no partner or children, Emma is constantly faced with questions around her single life. She’s also been given plenty of unwanted advice! Listen as Emma shares how she navigates society’s expectations as a single person, and the hope she discovered in embracing being single.
The God Of Easter
What does Easter mean to you? Is it just a religious festival that doesn’t mean much – but you get an extra-long weekend? If you wonder what Easter is all about, listen this week as John talks about the death and life of Jesus and what that could mean for you.
Naughty Or Nice
Do you struggle with giving gifts at Christmas? Who do I buy for, how much should I spend, will they like what I give them? This week we’ll be discussing Christmas gift giving. Where did the idea begin? Why do we still do it? And perhaps the most important question -Have you been naughty or nice this year?
Saying Goodbye
Saying goodbye to someone we love is heart breaking and can cause deep grief. But grief can also occur from other types of goodbyes. Have you ever moved house, changed jobs, or moved away from close family and friends? Listen as Richard shares some insights that have given him hope through grief.
Letting Go Of Tomorrow
With the pandemic continuing to disrupt our lives, there’s a sense of being worn out from the constant shifting of the goal posts, and the sheer exhaustion of dealing with all the change that brings. Listen to Richard, Jo and Celia as they talk about how we can live in this ‘new normal’. Hear what Jesus went through and how he understands and walks with us.