For many people January is a great time for holidays. It’s good to break the routine and get away from some of the daily pressures of everyday life. Sometimes though, holidays don’t always work out how we imagine. So how do we find that rest and restoration when holidays become disasters or time and money just don’t allow us to get away? Listen as Ali and Celia look at how to find rest and restoration as part of our normal routine.
Feeling stressed? Life seems to be going 100 miles an hour, people all around us seem to be suffering from burnout and stress. This isn’t something new. But what is it that causes us to feel like it’s all just getting too much? Listen in this week as Celia chats with Ali Hoopmann about what gets us stressed.
Great Expectations
Great Expectations We all have dreams in life. They might be dreams of achieving great success, a long term relationship, or simply being happy. What about you – what do you dream of achieving? And how do you cope when life doesn’t turn out like you expected. Listen to Richard as he talks about how […]
Just As I Am
What gives your life value? Is it the job you have? The lifestyle you lead? Or perhaps it’s the relationships that you nurture. Listen to Mark Doecke talk about what gives life value and how you can feel valuable despite your circumstances.
The Easter break is a great time to switch off, forget about the stress of life, recharge the batteries and head back to normal life refreshed. The real story behind Easter is also about being refreshed. Listen as Bishop John Henderson talks about Easter – the death and life of Jesus and what it means for you.
Taking Care of Anger
Do you ever feel like your emotions are in charge of you rather than the other way around? Stella’s anger was scaring her children and she was stuck in a cycle of holding in the anger and then exploding. Listen to Stella as she describes what that looked like for her and what she did to build a path toward managing her anger.
Bushfire Failure
There are some life-changing moments that completely catch us off guard. We may regret the choices we make, but they don’t have to hold us to that moment. Listen as Albert faces the consequences of his choices as fire threatened his home and family.
Will My Dog Go to Heaven
Do animals know God? Do they have a soul? Most people who care for animals have a deep connection and relationship with them. Listen as Mark Doecke explores the question – do animals go to heaven?
Do you sometimes look at the people around you and think “I wish I could be like them”. While Facebook is a great way to connect, it also has the knack of making everyone else’s lives seem more exciting than our own. It can cause us to focus on what we don’t do and don’t have, and that can make us feel lonely, even if we’re surrounded by people who love us. Listen as John Henderson talks about loneliness, and how the cure can come from outside ourselves.
Stress affects all of us at some time. Some stress actually helps us and protects us, other stress gradually destroys us. Listen about the stress that brings us down and what we can do about it. When does stress have a negative impact on you?