Managing Your Money Are you struggling to manage your money? Feel like your finances are spinning out of control? Does the subject of money launch you into stress, shame, or even denial? If so, you are not alone. Written by someone who has struggled first-hand with financial failure, this booklet explores the emotional component of […]
Parenting – Finding The Fun
Parenting: Finding the Fun Please enter your name and email address below to download the booklet. Name First Last Email(Required) CAPTCHA Δ If you would like a printed version sent to you, click here to order the printed version with your name and postal address details.
Finding Peace Booklet
Finding Peace Anxiety has become epidemic. Many of us are frazzled by family problems, stress at work, financial woes, and a thousand other hassles. If you are chronically troubled by fatigue, edginess, a churning stomach, heart pains, trembling and shaking, dizziness, and/or migraine headaches, you are not alone. Like millions of other people, you may […]
Finding Balance Booklet
Finding Balance Life as a stay-at-home mum of three little bears has me wanting to run away screaming some days. I would love to say that I have a perfectly balanced life, but I don’t. I will continue to make mistakes as I look for more of what is ‘just right’ for me. Yet I […]
Stressed But Connected Booklet
Stressed but Connected Unresolved issues. Financial trouble. Neglected health. Everyone feels stressed-out. Right? Wrong! Everybody has stress, but not everyone is stressed-out. If you’ve accepted stress as a way of life, this booklet is for you. From setting healthy personal boundaries to eliminating procrastination, these sensible strategies will help you manage stress before stress manages […]
Surviving School at Home
“I was at home with four children, homeschooling, a job I have never desired before. Suddenly I was faced with mum I need help, mum I'm hungry, mum I need this, mum I need that, and I'd be standing at the door going
enough already this is too hard.”
Finding ourselves in situations that are not of our choosing can be very stressful and overwhelming. Listen as Jo shares her struggles of home schooling during lockdown. How do you survive the extra challenges thrown at you without feeling like a failure?
Uncertain Financial Future
COVID has really shaken things up over the last year. We’ve lost jobs or we are on less income and the future is still uncertain for many people. So, what do you do when you don’t know what the future holds? Listen to Karl’s inspiring story of facing some of the biggest challenges of his life and how he found a way forward.
Life can be crazy and chaotic at the best of times, even more so when we’re in a pandemic. How do we live each day when the future is so uncertain? Listen to Anna, Richard and Celia share their frustrations and thoughts on what we can hope into in uncertain times.
Rhythms of a Relationship
Relationships are part of all our lives in many different ways. Sometimes they’re easy going, sun-shining and smooth sailing. Other times it can feel like you’re in the midst of a storm with no land in sight. Spending so much extra time, recently, in close proximity to our families can be stressful and put a magnifying glass on our relationships. Listen to Rachel, a relationship counsellor from Lutheran Community Care, share how we can understand and navigate those tense times with our partner.
When are you happiest? Is it when you can forget about the troubles of everyday life and escape for a while? Happiness means different things to each of us. For some people the feeling of happiness is in the moment, dependent on what you’re doing. For others, happiness is a state of being. How do you see happiness? Listen as Mark Doecke talks about a way to find happiness even amongst the mundane stuff we have to deal with every day.