When are you happiest? Is it when you can forget about the troubles of everyday life and escape for a while? Happiness means different things to each of us. For some people the feeling of happiness is in the moment, dependent on what you’re doing. For others, happiness is a state of being. How do you see happiness? Listen as Mark Doecke talks about a way to find happiness even amongst the mundane stuff we have to deal with every day.
Where Is My Job?
Where Is My Job? Are you or someone you know, struggling with an uncertain future due to job insecurity? The uncertainty around whether or not you have a stable job can create a great amount of stress in your life, and in the lives of others around you. Please join us this week on Messages […]
Surviving Lockdown
With all the mental health issues that are coming up for people at this time and that sort of low level depression that everyone I think is experiencing. There's such a sense of helplessness and frustration. We tried this last time, it doesn't seem to have worked. Is this going to work this time? Are you feeling a bit anxious or frustrated at the ongoing situation we find ourselves in? You’re not alone. Listen as we talk with Sue, who manages the spiritual care team for a hospital in Melbourne. Where do we find hope when there is so much uncertainty and separation from our loved ones?
Hope In The Desert
Have you ever broken down in the middle of nowhere and all alone? It can be a frightening experience. Listen as Noel Due shares the true story of a friend who broke down in the desert. Find out what went through her mind as the hours passed by, and how the experience changed her life.
For many people January is a great time for holidays. It’s good to break the routine and get away from some of the daily pressures of everyday life. Sometimes though, holidays don’t always work out how we imagine. So how do we find that rest and restoration when holidays become disasters or time and money just don’t allow us to get away? Listen as Ali and Celia look at how to find rest and restoration as part of our normal routine.
Feeling stressed? Life seems to be going 100 miles an hour, people all around us seem to be suffering from burnout and stress. This isn’t something new. But what is it that causes us to feel like it’s all just getting too much? Listen in this week as Celia chats with Ali Hoopmann about what gets us stressed.
Stress affects all of us at some time. Some stress actually helps us and protects us, other stress gradually destroys us. Listen about the stress that brings us down and what we can do about it. When does stress have a negative impact on you?
Would you like a free family holiday to Disneyland? The chance to see your favourite Disney characters, go on the thrilling rides and spend time as a family. It sounds amazing. But what happens when it doesn’t quite turn out that way? Listen to Richard as he shares about his family trip to Disneyland. Even in the happiest places, families can still struggle but there is hope to restore the peace.
A Farmer’s Life
A Farmer’s Life Many farmers around Australia are experiencing a tough time because of drought. Even with all the best risk management and forward planning, we still can’t control the weather. You may not be a farmer but we all have things we can’t control. Losing a job, poor health, a death in the family. […]
The Plumber
The Plumber Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seemed to go right? Where you wish you could just start the day over again and make different choices? Listen to Richard Fox as he tells his story of trying to fix a leaky tap with disastrous consequences and a disappointed family – […]