‘New beginnings for me mean you’re leaving something and moving to something in the future you’re not quite sure about. So that can be a whole mixture of emotions.’
New beginnings can be stressful. Unknown experiences of changing jobs, a medical diagnosis, moving to a new country, or a life-changing experience of another kind can impact family life and our expectations. Listen as Richard, Clare and Tania share their experiences and what helps them cope through change.
Well Being
Redefining Rest
‘I take on more things, I’m so overwhelmed, I will end up sick or have some leave or take some time off. And then I have a little bit of respite and then I do the same thing again.’
Choosing to spend time resting is often the last of our priorities in what, for many of us, is a dizzying, fast paced and busy life. But have you ever considered that maybe the solution to all our stress and constantly feeling overwhelmed is to intentionally put rest first? Click here to listen as Lorrene shares 7 types of rest and why it is so important to prioritise.
Surviving Breast Cancer
Surviving Breast Cancer How does having breast cancer affect my self-image? How does it affect my relationship with others? How does it affect my relationship with God? Surviving Breast Cancer provides honest answers to these questions to assist in adjusting to this change in your lfe. Please enter your name and email address below to download […]
The Mystery Of You Booklet
The Mystery of You Using the board game CLUE as a template, author Melanie Wilson guides readers to a deeper understanding of their real selves. It’s when an individual considers where they’ve been (rooms); what they’ve done (weapons); and who people (witnesses) say they are – that a fuller grasp of identity can be acquired. […]
Contentment Booklet
Contentment While we may not be completely satisfied with our lot in life – and let’s face it, most of us want more – to label oneself as an ‘ingrate’ seems a bit harsh. Nevertheless, that’s what the author of this booklet does. Why he does so is because he knows deep down inside there’s […]
Facing Fear
‘It’s amazing how often we just feel afraid, and we let it just sit there and we don’t challenge it. And I think that’s a real waste because you actually have to confront something and face it in order to deal with it.’ Sarah McCutcheon, National Relationship Manager for Global Leadership Network Australia, has extensive experience helping people to face their fears and embrace courage. Listen to Sarah share her insights into facing fear.
Being Well
I think COVID kind of exposed a few things that identified what we did hope in and what we thought our well-being was in, even something as simple as going to the football or whatever it might be, was just taken away. So where do we then centre that? Where do we place our hope? Well-being can be physical, emotional and spiritual. But what does it actually mean and how do you find it? Listen to Richard, Celia and Anna share their insights into well-being and how to find the source of peace.
Teen Anxiety
Teen Anxiety “I remember when I had a really bad panic attack and I thought I was dying. It felt like I was just being covered in blankets almost like I couldn’t feel anything no one was around. It was just me and that feeling. No one expects it to be anxiety or an anxiety […]
Finding Connection
There are times when the pieces of our life don’t seem to be fitting together as they should. Listen to Nancy – a wife, mother, and police officer. The stress of juggling everything had her feeling disconnected and becoming a person she just didn’t recognize. Hear how a change of perspective brought the sense of overwhelm back into balance.
Stressed But Connected Booklet
Stressed but Connected Unresolved issues. Financial trouble. Neglected health. Everyone feels stressed-out. Right? Wrong! Everybody has stress, but not everyone is stressed-out. If you’ve accepted stress as a way of life, this booklet is for you. From setting healthy personal boundaries to eliminating procrastination, these sensible strategies will help you manage stress before stress manages […]