This week Andrew and Sarah will talk about some of the unique struggles of single parenting, and how they coped with the loneliness of raising children on their own.
Life Together When Apart
“It was kind of fun in the early years when he’d be gone for eight weeks at a time and he’d come back and it’d be like a new boyfriend every eight weeks. But it became tiring after a while and we realized that, if you actually expect the fresh and new each time that you’re going to get disappointed.” Listen as Luke and Jo share their story of separation and what they’ve learned about their relationship and keeping the family together.
Do you want to make any changes this year? As we move into a new year, maybe there’s one or two things you’d like to change. Most of us have things we hope for and dream about for the future. But making those changes is often easier said than done. Especially when the changes you’d like to see are out of your control? Click here to listen as Richard and Celia discuss the challenges of making changes and how God can help us.
Are You Afraid?
The Coronavirus and social restrictions have brought fear and anxiety to many households. How can we face our fears and anxiety? Is there any way to stop it from paralyzing our lives? And can we find peace even in times like the Coronovirus? Listen to Messages of Hope this week to hear a conversation about fear with Noel, Celia and Richard.
Fear to Hope – Rachel’s Story
With all the unknowns surrounding the corona virus, it’s easy to let anxiety and fear take over. Listen as Rachel shares her experience of the unknowns, isolation and lost connections with family and friends. Learn how she found strength to face the unknown.
When Dreams Break
Where do you go when your dreams are shattered? How do you grieve? How do you risk dreaming again?
Listen to Deborah’s story and how she found hope to dream again.
Dementia is not the end
Do you struggle to understand and relate with a loved one who has Dementia? Listen to some surprising insights and encouragement for living with Dementia. Celia is talking with Gaye about some of the misunderstandings around Dementia. Gaye has worked in aged care for over 20 years and specialised in Dementia care.
Love and Romance
Being in love is one of the best feelings in the world and can make you feel like you’re walking on air. Valentine’s Day with all its focus on love and romance can make you look at your own relationships…Are romance and love the same thing? Does it change when you have a long, established relationship? Listen as Richard and Celia chat about love and relationships.
Messy Christmas
What’s Christmas like for you? Do you look forward to it or would you rather avoid it? Listen as Richard, Celia and Noel discuss the messy side of Christmas. Is it possible to still enjoy the peace, joy and hope of Christmas, even in the mess?
I Remember When…
Have you ever heard or used the saying, “I remember when…”? Remembering who we are is important to us. In Australia we have public holidays to help us remember who we are. On those days we often hear stories of freedom and the sacrifices that people made for us. Please join us this week on messages of hope as we talk more about remembering who we are.